Leadership is a relationship between the leader and the led. The leader uses passion and emotion while the manager uses a more formal, rational method [1]. Early Leadership lessons came from my father and later from National Cadet Corps, the youth organization ably led by Major James Joseph at SB College NCC Unit. James sir, my seniors and mates in this organization has always been great examples of leadership.
In Leadership secrets it says:While early enough inspired by the leadership at ISRO often etched out by Kalam in his books, over time, by virtue of working under the guidance of good leadership and imbibing the best by virtue of being part of IET and IEEE, have started to come across own style of leadership. Highly influenced by the writings of Peshawaria and Kramer, kind of treat From Values to Action as bible for leadership [2,3]. I have seen great leadership traits in Jan Bosch, Professor and head of Software Center, should say have been fortunate to have worked with inspiring leaders like Padmasri and Latha. Has always been inspired by leadership at ABB. Leaders like previous CTO, Claes Rytoft , Previous CEO Ulrich Spiesshofer, current CTO Bazmi Husain, who had been center director when I joined Indian office all have set great examples. Of late after reading his book Hit Refresh, Satya Nadella style has been an influence [4].