My name is Abhilash Gopalakrishnan, currently serving as Principal Engineer at ABB at its R&D in Bangalore, India.
At Cognizant I learnt UML and Requirement Analysis using Use Case Models and Use Case Realization while in ADP project. Later on deputation in Chennai learnt lot of ASP.NET and Web Services while working on Shwan's mainframe elimination. Back in Bangalore, Working on Metlife project and learnt databases - SQL Server with Shiju as mentor. Later after a stint working on Webservices and installation packages for Travelport, left Cognizant to join LG CNS. At LG, working of BBC The Motion Galley, learnt design patterns and the architectural approaches under guidance of Mark, the BBC Architect that time. While this was one of my best leaning experiences, more time for personal life took me to ABB.
Initially mentored by Viju into substation automation and later guided by Ganesh and Padmasri, my journey became quite interesting. Was trained by ABB on Software Architecture. Some life lessons came from Anoop. My Masters in Software Systems triggered an interest in Decision Support Systems and Sherlock Holmes's approach termed, Ladder of Inference. Later on by being mentored by Abhinna, could scale new heights in learning and get past some of my worries on mathematics. The transitions also were guided by major shifts in programming including waves of python, R and similar languages with data science emerging as an important element. An ardent futurist, ably guided by centre head Magnus and Abhinna, ventured into IEEE conference publications. In the conferences after meeting stalwarts like Jan Bosch, got inclined to balance existing and research.
In researchgate, listening to these gurus in Software Architecture, Martin Fowler, Jan Bosch, Eoin Woods, Eltjo Poort the learning became exponential. I have been blessed with friends who have always stayed supportive. I am indebted to my parents, family and friends for what I could learn. Equally indebted to gurus in school, college and life. This is me today at career. I love learning and sharing, and spend time in software architecture meetups and keynotes in conferences. My belief is Design Thinking needs to be embedded to architecture practice. As someone who contributed to embedded systems in industrial automation domain, wrote about- Cyber Physical Systems and Future Energy Systems. Eternally curios and trying to make sense of latest trends by following approaches like Technology Radar (suggested by Thoughtworks), work on tools to accelerate innovation in products and systems. IEEE Senior Member and member of Computer Society and Technology and Engineering Management Society and member of ACM.